Promat produces one of the most complete and efficient ranges of boards on the market.
Promat offers a full range of products for passive fire protection.
Promat produces one of the most complete and efficient ranges of boards on the market.
Promat spray coatings are used to protect steel, concrete or wood structures against fire.
Promat offers a wide range of products (bags, pastes, sealants and liquid coatings, necklaces, bricks, stoppers, sheaths, intumescent strips, etc.) which, thanks to their intumescent power, ensure fire performance on the surface of the hoppers ( expansion in contact with heat from 150 ° C).
Promat offers a full range of systems for passive fire protection.
Promat offers a full range of board and spray products providing flexible solutions to meet a variety of installation and fire protection needs.
Promat provides a number of integrated and effective fire stopping solutions.
Leitungsanlagen sind ein Bestandteil der technischen Gebäudeausrüstung. Bauordnungsrechtlich sind dabei die Schutzziele für ganz unterschiedliche Einbausituationen und die entsprechenden brandschutztechnischen Maßnahmen zu unterscheiden:
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