News from Germany

The Altstadtring is the innermost ring road of Munich, Bavaria. Renovation of the Altstadtring tunnel has to be implemented as above there is an important historical building - Prinz-Carl-Palais.

Fire in the tunnel would probably cause the collapse of the tunnel. Damage to the historical buildings above would be priceless.

Stability of the construction was made with prestressed concrete. Investigations showed that some of the pre-stressed reinforcements had already been snapped. In addition to applying fire-resistant cladding on the ceiling, this major problem was also solved.

It was proven to the designer and owner that PROMATECT®-T had all properties needed for durable fire protection of the existing concrete structure. Installation is ongoing and forecast to be completed by the end Q1/2021. We will deliver approx. 20 000m² PROMATECT®-T-boards.

News from Germany
News from Germany
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