Software & Applications

Professional tools to help you make the most of Promat's products and systems.


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Promat Selector App

Promat Fire stopping Selector for mobile and desktop
Promat Selector App

Find the perfect fire stopping product to complete your passive fire protection project with ease.

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Promat Structural Calculator- Your Fire Protection Solution

Promat Structural Calculator- Your Fire Protection Solution
Promat Structural Calculator- Your Fire Protection Solution

Welcome to the future of fire protection!. Whether you're just starting or a seasoned expert, our tool caters to your needs. Select Steel or Concrete and experience a user-friendly interface that leads you to results quickly.

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Discover the new Promat Reporter

Discover the new Promat Reporter
Discover the new Promat Reporter
  • Manage your fire stopping projects from one location
  • Save 50% on reporting time with our easy-to-use tool
  • Manage all your fire stopping products - not just Promat products
  • Save money - Promat Reporter is free to use! 

Promat abi

Promat abi
Promat abi

Kas vajate abi parima tulekaitse lahenduse leidmisel?

Parima lahenduse saamiseks, mis vastab kõigile tulekaitse seadustele, pöörduge oma riigi Promati tulekaitse eksperdi poole.

Promat tehniline tugi

Uurige meie tehnilise toe meeskonnalt passiivsete tulekaitselahenduste, toodete ja süsteemide kohta, küsige nõu nende paigaldamise kohta ...

Tehnilised dokumendid

Siit leiate toodete tehnilisi andmelehtesid, süsteemivoldikuid, toimivusdeklaratsioone, paigaldusjuhiseid ja muid dokumente, mida võite oma idee elluviimiseks vajada.

Kogemus 60 aastat

Testitud ja sertifitseeritud lahendused

Ülemaailmne teenindusvõrk