Turn fire regulations into a plan

Each country has its own legal framework and set of regulations to guarantee fire safety in large scale buildings. At Promat, we help you to interpret your local regulations and to collect all the documents and products you need to build your Passive Fire Protection solution, ready for approval.

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Levi del je kvadraten in bele barve, desni del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

Know your regulations

Notranjost knjižnice z belo konstrukcijo in belimi stopnicami, ki gredo diagonalno v zgornje nadstropje, na njih stoji oseba. V ozadju so knjige.

Know your regulations

We bring you an overview of the relevant fire safety regulations for buildings in your country. Whatever your project, we have the answer.

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Desni del je kvadraten in bele barve, levi del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

Design your Fire Protection Plan

Zatemnjena ženska oseba na sliki riše načrte na mizi, kjer je postavljen prenosni računalnik in več papirjev z načrti.

Design your Fire Protection Plan

Are you building a metro tunnel, road tunnel or train tunnel? For every type of large-scale underground structure you design, you will need to include a passive fire protection plan to protect it against fire.

Podolgovata slika razdeljena na dva dela. Levi del je kvadraten in bele barve, desni del je pravokotnik in belo modre barve.

Get the right documents

Get the right documents

Get the right documents

Collect all the right declarations  of performance  (DOP's), certificates or classification reports you need to make your design fully comply with your local fire regulations. We provide you with all the documents you need to get your plan approved by the fire safety authorities.

Essential reading

Take a look at our technical articles and find the information you need to get a full grip on passive fire protection.

Tehnična podpora Promat

Obrnite se na naš tehnični svetovalni oddelek za vprašanja o pasivnih požarno zaščitnih rešitvah, naših proizvodih in konstrukcijah ali nasvetu za namestitev.

Tehnični dokumenti

Najdite tehnične liste, priročnike, izjave o lastnostih, navodila in druge dokumente, ki vam bodo pomagali pri vaših projektih.

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