Promat Australia assist installers in complying with HVAC maintenance and fire protection legislation for exhaust duct systems.
Construction group Built and Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (FJMT) Architects have submitted a $50 million development application for the 1000 square metre site at 183-185 Clarence Street, Sydney for a commercial office building with ground floor retail and function premises.
The application proposes restoration works to the existing substation and warehouse buildings, construction of two building – 6 story and 7 story on the allotment with communal rooftop space, and excavation for two basement levels to provide a commercial office development with retail, arts and cultural spaces at the lower ground and ground floor to compliment the heritage streetscape, existing substation and warehouse buildings. “The new office addition will comprise concrete floors wrapped in a curved glass facade that appears to float above the existing buildings.” This project is a great example of the use of Promat’s PROMASPRAY ® 300 to provide a fire protection structure to exhaust duct systems throughout buildings. PROMASPRAY® P300 is a lightweight coating that provides very efficient fire resistance with minimal thickness to return air plenums and air handling ductwork.
Promat worked with specialist fire installer Total Fire Spray to create a fire penetration system complaint with HVAC requirements. Total Fire Spray provided the fire protection to recently installed exhaust ducts, applying mesh and pins to the existing metal ductwork structure together with a 40 mm thickness of PROMASPRAY® 300 to create a Fire Resistance Level (FRL) of 120/120/120 compliant with the Australian Building Code. Legislation requires HVAC installers to ensure each exhaust duct system includes an access panel to comply with maintenance regulations of HVAC systems.
Promat where able to offer a cost-effective solution by using PROMASIL®-1100 SUPER to create an access panel. PROMASIL®-1100 SUPER are large-size, lightweight insulating boards with excellent thermal properties. Their homogeneous and stable mineral matrix structure guarantees excellent mechanical and thermal characteristics. The PROMASIL®-1100 SUPER access panel is specifically approved for use with the PROMASPRAY® P300 duct work as an access panel.
The project is due for completion in December 2019.