About Promat

Meet a global team of passionate fire safety experts, ready to protect you and your project against fire. 

Our vision

Slika s pogledom od zgoraj na mizo s tehničnimi pripomočki, za katero so štirje inženirji, ki preučujejo in rišejo načrte.

Our vision

At Promat, we share a common vision. We believe we can help the construction world to transform the way we design and build, while protecting people, society and the planet.

Our cultural purpose

Ženska oseba na sliki v modri majici sedi za mizo in gleda v papirje, pred njo so prenosni računalnik bele barve in beli zvitki papirjev.

Our cultural purpose

We want to make the world safer, healthier and more sustainable for the generations of today and tomorrow. 

Our commitment

Skupina veselih otrok hodi po ulici, v ozadju se vidi zgradbo šole v rdeči in beli barvi.

Our commitment

How we engage to make the world safer, healthier and more sustainable for everyone.

Our global presence

Slika modro rjavega globusa sveta z rjavim ozadjem.

Our global presence

Promat wants to be in every building where people need to be protected against fire. This is why we are active in 42 countries all over the world. You can find a local expert in every market.

A career at Etex

Napis ETEX nad fotografijo industrijskega obrata z zavarovanim proizvodnim trakom.

A career at Etex

Are you passionate about passive fire protection, just like us? Check out the career possibilities at ETEX.

Part of the global Etex Group, Promat is a worldwide producer of fire protective boards made from calcium silicate, intumescent paints, mortars, fire glazing, fire stopping and a wide variety of products for high performance insulation in industry, transport and energetics.

Do you think you have what it takes to become a Fire safety expert? Contact our HR-team and join us in our search for new ways to protect people against fire.

Get to know us better

Learn more about the way we develop, design and produce innovative products and solutions, so you can protect what really matters.

Our History

Dva bela kataloga, na katerih je napis Promat desno zgoraj, z rdečo ikono ognja, na naslovni sliki levega kataloga so kvadratni rdeče modri liki, na desnem katalogu je za naslovno sliko bela požarna plošča z modrim ozadjem.

Our History

Discover how Promat became the global expert in Passive Fire Protection.

Our People

Inženir v oranžnem odbojnem brezrokavniku sedi pri lesenih tramovih in zamišljeno gleda v načrt in prenosni računalnik pred seboj.

Our People

Meet those who help you to protect people and buildings against fire.

Our Expertise

Our Expertise

Our Expertise

Discover why Promat solutions are better solutions.

Tehnična podpora Promat

Obrnite se na naš tehnični svetovalni oddelek za vprašanja o pasivnih požarno zaščitnih rešitvah, naših proizvodih in konstrukcijah ali nasvetu za namestitev.

Tehnični dokumenti

Najdite tehnične liste, priročnike, izjave o lastnostih, navodila in druge dokumente, ki vam bodo pomagali pri vaših projektih.

60 let strokovnega znanja

Preizkušene in certificirane rešitve

Globalna storitvena mreža