Tunnel expert manuals

The tunnel expert manuals provide a first insight into the installation methods of the Promat Tunnel systems. Of course they do not answer all your questions, but our tunnel experts are at your disposal to work out a suitable solution together with you.

Background alb dreapta


Installation & Quality Audit Manual for The Installation of PROMATECT® Boards as a post cladding system

Installation & Quality Audit Manual for The Installation of PROMATECT® Boards as a post cladding system

Installation & Quality Audit Manual for The Installation of PROMATECT® Boards as a post cladding system



Background partea stângă

Tunnel & Underground Structure Fire Protection - Spray Applied Solutions

Tunnel & Underground Structure Fire Protection - Spray Applied Solutions

Tunnel & Underground Structure Fire Protection - Spray Applied Solutions




Background alb dreapta


Tunnel & Underground Structure Fire Protection - Board Lining Solutions

Tunnel & Underground Structure Fire Protection - Board Lining Solutions

Tunnel & Underground Structure Fire Protection - Board Lining Solutions



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